Little Comfort

This work explores some of the emotions and experiences associated with Long Covid. It is an expression of the abandonment and displacement experienced by so many, and an attempt to communicate this through gestures and marks while still retaining a subtle sense of hope. It is one artist’s interpretation of the subject and not a universal representation of this complex and debilitating condition.

Created by Daniel Freaker, following conversations with members of Long Covid SOS, Long Covid Support, Long Covid Kids and Long Covid Nurses and Midwives.

The image is of a figure with bare feet and long hair, sitting on the ground, looking downwards. There is an air of sadness and isolation. The figure is sitting in front of a red sofa, which appears old and abandoned. Fungus can be seen on both the figure and sofa. Beside the sofa, is an armchair, and on the armchair the outline of a second figure is visible, curled up and possibly sleeping. The colours are both vivid and muted – reds, oranges, pinks, greens, blues, purples and browns. The sky at the very top is violet in colour and the ground is green and black beneath tangled pink and purple weeds.

The work explores some of the emotions and experiences associated with Long Covid. It is an expression of the abandonment and displacement experienced by so many, and an attempt to communicate this through gestures and marks while still retaining a subtle sense of hope. It is one artist’s interpretation of the subject and not a universal representation of this complex and debilitating condition.

Titled “Little Comfort”, it was created by artist Daniel Freaker, following conversations with members of Long Covid SOS, Long Covid Support, Long Covid Kids and Long Covid Nurses and Midwives.

Discover the details

Click on a thumbnail from the tapestry to reveal more details from the artist.

Zoomed section of the Little Comfort tapestry panel which highlights a red sofa
Zoomed section of the Little Comfort tapestry panel which highlights a girl with bare feet and long hair, sitting on the ground
Zoomed section of the Little Comfort tapestry panel which highlights a sleeping figured curled up in an armchair

The abandoned sofa

"One of the things I really noticed during lockdown was all the abandoned furniture that was left outside. And when you saw it you saw that it had a story, history and a future, but you weren’t sure what they were. And so including those in the painting felt quite apt in terms of the sense of abandonment described by the group - alongside all of the other complex emotions associated with Long Covid."

The barefoot girl

"There’s a single figure sitting on the ground, and I wanted to put across that sense that they’d been left there, discarded, just as much as the furniture. And that’s where the colours and the marks and the growths and the decay comes in. The figure barefoot - which is something the group felt very strongly about."

The sleeping figure

"The second figure on the armchair at the back was added following feedback from the group. While the figure on the ground represents a sadness and sense of neglect, this second figure reflects exhaustion (literal and metaphorical), and a near invisibility."

What this panel represents to us

This artwork represents Daniel's interpretation of Long Covid; painted from spoken words, feelings, and the emotions that ran through his veins as he took brush to canvas. It's powerful, but for those with lived experience it's thinking about what isn't painted that makes this a talking point. It's the loved one by your side in tears, the child kissing your chest wanting Daddy to be OK, the lungs turned into wet sandbags screaming internally to inflate; the heavy body numb yet in so much pain. The painting also doesn't show the web of peer support groups formed in order to survive, but who offer such a lifeline, and for whom I'm so thankful.

Garry Loftus, Long Covid SOS

For me, this artwork expresses a profound sense of grief and loss of identity - abandoned within an overwhelming parallel universe

Sammie McFarland, Long Covid Kids

Although the artwork depicts the artist’s perception of Long Covid, it provokes important conversations and gives Long Covid a voice. It encapsulates the loneliness and loss of sense of self, and the isolation felt by millions - and the judgement and abandonment we feel - left to live life as shadows of our former selves.

Long Covid Nurses and Midwives (LCNMUK)

The artwork is like a window through which the artist has tried to capture our experiences of Long Covid - an opening that lets others peek into our lived experience, confirming and telling the world that we exist. But it's also a window that lets me look inside myself; I recognise the anger, trauma and suffering of these past three years. I look through this window and recognise parts of me crouching down on that sofa, struggling to breathe and hurting from the constant pain. It gives me hope that others will stop by that window, look inside and pay attention.

Francesca Lo Castro on behalf of Long Covid Support
Headshot image of Daniel Freaker
Headshot image of Daniel Freaker

About the artist

Daniel Freaker

Daniel was born in London and now lives and works in Portsmouth. His work balances figuration and abstract expressionism and he experiments with the qualities of the media while exploring narrative scenes that are emotional and visceral. These often relate to aspects of the human condition and experiences that we have all had or can connect with: solitude, relationships, growing up, loss, being misunderstood.

Daniel received his MFA from the Slade School of Art in London in 2000. Since studying, his work has evolved through exhibiting and lecturing in the UK and internationally. He continues to contribute to the art and design curriculum by actively developing progressive creative qualifications.

Visit Daniel Freaker's website

Little Comfort: Creating the artwork

Daniel talks about the process of working with Long Covid support and advocacy groups to develop his interpretation of the emotions and experiences associated with Long Covid.